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Traditional Chinese medical Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction ( Part 2)

TCM modalities for treating erectile dysfunction (ED) include acupuncture, acupressure, massage, Chinese herbs, diet and lifestyle changes. Acupuncture involves stimulating specific points on the body to promote overall health and address various conditions, including ED. The selection of acupuncture points may vary depending on the individual and the underlying causes of ED. A TCM healthcare provider will consult with the patient, assess signs and symptoms, and determine the predominant pathogenesis of ED.

When liver qi stagnation is identified as the cause of ED, acupuncturists may consider the following acupuncture points to address the underlying disharmony:

1. LV3: This point helps regulate liver qi and relieve stagnation.

2. PC6: It soothes liver qi stagnation, promotes circulation, and calms the mind.

3. CV3: It aids in regulating liver qi stagnation.

4. GB34: This point is known for soothing liver qi stagnation, promoting circulation, and strengthening the lower body.

5. LI4: It helps regulate liver qi.

6. SP6: This point harmonizes liver qi, regulates the lower abdomen, and promotes circulation.

In cases of ED caused by damp heat, acupuncturists may consider the following acupuncture points:

1. SP9: It clears dampness and heat from the body, promotes circulation, and balances energy.

2. SP6: It tonifies the spleen, eliminates dampness, and regulates the lower abdomen.

3. UB40: This point clears dampness and heat from the body and promotes the smooth flow of qi and blood.

4. CV9: It regulates the lower abdomen, eliminates dampness, and restores balance to the body.

5. LI11: It clears heat and promotes the flow of qi and blood.

6. LR2: This point clears heat and dampness from the liver meridian, promoting the smooth flow of energy.

For ED caused by kidney yang deficiency, the following acupuncture points may be considered:

1. CV4: This point tonifies the kidney and promotes sexual function.

2. CV6: It tonifies the kidney, strengthens the lower abdomen, and improves overall energy.

3. CV3: This point is associated with the kidney meridian and tonifies kidney energy.

4. BL23: It is known as the "kidney shu" point, used to tonify kidney energy and support sexual function.

5. SP6: This point, also called the "three yin intersection," is commonly used for reproductive and sexual health.

6. KD3: It tonifies kidney energy and improves sexual function.

These examples illustrate a few acupuncture points, and the actual selection of points will depend on an individual's specific presentation and overall health. Additional points may also be included based on unique needs. It is crucial to consult with a licensed expert who can evaluate your condition and provide personalized treatment.

In the next post, we will continue discussing common Chinese herbs used in ED.


The content here is for informational and educational purpose only. It is not intended for medical advice or treatment. Consult your doctor for any health concerns and questions.

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