Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) affect millions of Americans annually, costing around $3.5 million for evaluation and treatment. Due to the rise in antibiotic-resistant uropathogens, complementary and alternative therapies for UTIs are increasingly important. Here's a summary of the information provided:
Dietary Approach:
Minimize sugar and refined carbohydrate intake to create an environment hostile to pathogenic bacteria.
Proper hydration is essential for genitourinary health. Aim for at least 2 litres of fluids daily, including 0.5 litres of 100% cranberry juice or 0.25 litres of blueberry juice.
Herbal tea and water are beneficial, while soft drinks, coffee, and alcohol should be consumed in moderation.
Garlic and onions from the Allium family have antimicrobial effects against common UTI pathogens.
D-mannose, a simple sugar, can prevent bacterial adhesion to uroepithelial tissue. It can be taken preventively (2g/day) or for acute treatment (0.75 tsp thrice daily).
Cranberry juice (300–500 mL daily) can prevent bacterial adhesion to the gut wall and urinary bladder.
Arctostaphylos uva ursi (Bearberry) contains arbutin, a robust urinary antiseptic. It is best used in alkaline urine and can be consumed as dried leaves, tincture, or solid extract.
H. Canadensis (Goldenseal) root contains berberine, an effective herbal antimicrobial, and works best in alkaline urine. It can be consumed as a dried root, tea, or a tincture.
Alkaline or Acidic Urine:
Alkalinizing urine with citrate salts (potassium and sodium citrate) may provide symptom relief for some individuals with UTIs. A study found that sodium citrate helped relieve symptoms in 80% of women with suspected UTIs, particularly those with abacterial symptomology.
In summary, a dietary approach that reduces sugar emphasizes hydration and includes specific foods like garlic and onions, which can help create a hostile environment for UTI-causing bacteria. Supplementation with D-Mannose and the consumption of cranberry juice can be beneficial. Botanicals like bearberry and goldenseal can also aid in UTI treatment, especially in alkaline urine. Finally, citrate salts may provide temporary symptom relief by alkalinizing urine.
-The content is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.